"Flipping the Switch": The CURE for Indecision
Dec 05, 2016
Renee ~
“What should I do?”
It’s the common question for the indecisive. It’s a question that gives you permission to do nothing. “I just don’t know what to do” just simple leaves you in that space on non-action. Me, I’ve been known to get stuck for way too long about different things in relationships, kid issues, personal fitness, purchases, where to invest, and what events to attend… I know one thing for sure - being stuck sucks!
So what’s an indecisive girl to do? Flip the Switch! Just decide. And then take action!!
Carolyn ~
Indecision has been called many things: “ The Thief of Opportunity” (J. Rohn), “The Seedling of Fear” (N. Hill), “The Parent of Failing” (G. Canning), and like Renee said, the feeling you have when you are stuck in limbo just sucks!!
Fortunately, there is a simple way to get unstuck and back into the game.
Renee ~
Instead of asking “What should I do?”, replace it with “What is my intended outcome?”
I had this discussion with a friend of mine who was tired of his teenage son teasing their dog. It was making the dog nervous when the boy would come in the room. He kept reprimanding his son for the behavior and it was causing a rift between them. He said he simply didn’t know what to do. I asked him what he’d like to have happen. He answered that he wants his son to stop teasing the dog and the dog to be at ease and happy playing with him. So I asked “What, besides reprimanding, have you done to help change the situation?” He thought about it and said “I guess nothing”. I suggested he take his son and dog for dog training lessons thinking that mutual respect would be the outcome.
Guess what? It’s working! He decided to take a different action to get a different result. The last time I went to visit this family, his son proudly showed me the tricks his dog had learned. Several positive outcomes are emerging: The relationships between dad, son and dog are more relaxed, son and dog are learning mutual respect and dad and son are connecting about a common goal. Dad flipped the switch and decided to take action!
Carolyn ~
Flipping the switch requires being open to seeing things in a new way. It’s almost like flipping the lightswitch on and seeing the whole room you are in, instead of just pointing your flashlight in the corner.
When you start to think bigger and concentrate on the end result you want to create, the possible solutions expand tremendously!
What can you Flip the Switch on in your own life today?